In addition to photography and video, I also specialize in affordable e-commerce websites and graphic design.
The work below was created with Adobe Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and Photoshop.

Complete CD cover design, fonts, images, and layout. I monitored the whole print process after this design.
Branding for Tres Hermanas Winery. This winery had no visual assets and were due to open earlier than expected, this image was created along with several others at short notice, I had already built their website and created their labels, this image is still used.
Cowboy Flavor had their own TV show, but had a problem with their producer who claimed all of their branding. I was tasked with rebuilding their image from scratch. First was their website, redesign and compete rebuild, I created their new logos, imagery and total branding. The images below represent the complex flourishing and fonts choices, I created the “gold” look on their logos through photoshop, though we had to recreate these colours when it came to label designs for their products and then of course changed the golds to reds to reflect consistency.
Header designs for their website
CD Cover design and photography for the UK-based band “not on mono”
Published portrait photography in Golf Week and Got Rum? magazines
This is another very short notice request. The Santa Barbara County Vintners’ Association contacted me to create a 6-foot poster to promote the SB wine industry for their Hong Kong and Shanghai presentations. Layout and design and photography.
A hypothetical magazine cover for a group of photographers I was in contact with who wanted to promote their work.
The previous owner of this Inn was planning to sell his property but wanted to rebrand the Solvang Gardens to make it more desirable to sell. I developed these print ads for magazines. Fonts, colours, layout, design etc. was left to me to decide on their “look”.
The designers Baxis and Baxis hired me to shoot all of their products. I shot these images with their models and then created these ads for fashion magazine publications. I chose the layout, design, and fonts. Working with models can be intense, but once I get them to relax and have fun, the shoot becomes like a dream.
Another 6-foot poster for Costco to advertise and promote the Mosby Winery. I am their webmaster and developed these posters based on the design, fonts, and layouts I had already created for them.
The design brief for this website was quite vague – “an old look with an Italian feel and corresponding fonts. Their site is over ten years old, and they are still happy with this layout. I subsequently updated the e-commerce section of the website.
The clients provided me with two pencil-drawn images and a list of fonts to use for label designs. I designed both the front and rear labels which were easy to change to keep their budget to a minimum.