Was on my way to Autozone to get a battery for the Jeep when I got wind of him in town. Did a quick detour, found him wandering the parking lot of the community center. He was gracious enough to give me a moment – the last time I took pics of him was back in 1995 in Boston outside Faneuil Hall.

We had 8 inches of snow overnight, it was a high of 20 this afternoon, the Bernie campaign had booked a venue too small for the crowd, so we were left outside. Within 5 minutes they rigged up some mics on a loading bay and said Bernie will talk to us first. Fair play to him, he went straight for it. Usual stump speech but he knows how to do the right thing.

Had a visit from Beto. Eloquent, well spoken, clearly well-educated and knowledgable, quite the crowd pleaser with the flannel and check audience who crawled out of their burrows to listen. This shot pretty much sums him up, highly animated, never stood still, but clear at the same time.

A parking lot full of Subarus and a room full of hiking boots and fleece were the order of the day with Elizabeth Warren this morning. She is passionate about her beliefs and does have a social conscience. But I just can’t quite put my finger on what she could accomplish.

Tonight was the next US presidential candidate, playing to a packed audience with standing room only – I counted 35 people in total. Listened to his pitch and came to realise he strongly believes that 2+2 = 3.142. Possibly the most eloquent warmonger so far.